Healy Guitars offers full service repairs on electric and acoustic guitars and basses. Our goal will always be to listen to your concerns and advise you on the best course of action to get your guitar back to top level performance.

Many things can go wrong after years of wear and tare on an instrument. The stresses of string tension, temperature and humidity changes, or simply neglect can all factor in when we consider what caused a bridge to lift or a brace to come un-glued. We take great care in evaluating each project that comes into the shop so we can determine the correct course of action to fix each problem.

Beyond the standard repairs we are often asked to modify an instrument to better suit a clients needs. We can re-shape a neck to match your favorite Strat or route for the goldfoil pickup you’ve thought would be perfect in your telecaster. Some guitars are just a perfect platform for experimentation and we’re open to discussing the many possibilities to take your guitar a few steps further.